Wednesday 4 July 2007

Breakfast for the be-lurgified

Breakfast for the be-lurgified:

In the juicer:
1 small melon
2 apples
2 satsumas
1 tomato

used to wash down extra vitamins. I will get rid of this lurgy. I've now had three days off work and I'm still running a fever, we are not amused. Driving Sam to Brize probably did not help either, but had to be done. He must have left the Ascension Islands by now and be on the last leg down to MPA.

This morning's cucumber pick:

The other good thing from this morning was the arrival of my monthly to "Kitchen Garden" magazine. My dad bought me a year's subscription for christmas. Funny though, I remember in my late teens staying with my aunt and uncle who were watching "Gardener's World" on tv and thinking that gardening was THE most boring topic in the universe.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Pass the border fork please.


Nazila Merati said...

The tomato in that concoctions scares me.

I picked up a copy of kitchen garden while stuck in betsy coeyedd or whatsit in wales a few years ago.

I hope you feel better, can kubrin curl up on your lap and squeeze the crud out of you?

For what is worth, I could use some rain, its going to be in the 80s for the forseeable future and that is too much heat for moi and the boy.

Kerrio said...

I left out the cucumber and the courgette.