Thursday 29 November 2007

Car crisis

We had a minor car crisis last night. Went to open the car to take the dogs down to the river and the alarm went off, and we could not switch it off.

After pulling fuses and mucking about with keys in the ever increasing rain, with tempers fraying (it's hard to remain cool when there is a siren going off in your ear), I eventually opted to call the AA and retreated into the house to hunt for my membership card and the phone.)

While I was dialling Brian rushed in and said "Don't call the AA!"

Oh good, I thought, he's fixed it.


"We're with the RAC".



Katherine and Pippa said...

I hope they didn't take the five hours it took them to come out to us in Southampton, or the two days to come out in Spain (no not from UK - Spanish equivalent).


Lesley Rigby said...

I'm glad to see my husband and I aren't alone!

I can't praise the RAC enough as they have always been fantastic when called to the house. (It's usually a flat battery!). They arrive quickly, never rush checking everything, and always give lots of good advice like "Get yourself a trickle battery charger"! It won't be the last time they tell me that as I still haven't bought one............