Friday 16 November 2007

I have new kitchen thing

It' a self basting roasting dish, the old fashioned enamelled variety, the kind that is perfect for roasting a leg of mutton in a peat fired aga.

Now the only problem with this is I don't have an aga, and mutton legs are hard to find round here. Apart from that it's a great plan.

The interesting thing about this particular gizmo is that, according to my dad, the self basting dimples were actually invented by my great-grandfather. Or was it great great grandfather?

Cool huh?

Brian thinks he's been transported back 50 years, he's got no soul.


Katherine and Pippa said...

I think we have all been transported back a few years.

Can't remember what my mum cooked in ours - rabbit stew probably (yum), she might have cooked corn beef hash in it too - without the lid on though.

Cute pans aren't they?


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Oooh I have one of those! When I saw it I had to buy it as it immediately transported me back to holidays on my Uncle's farm as my Auntie always cooked the Sunday roast in it! I absolutely love using it!

Em said...

We've got one, although it's aluminium rather than enamel (not as pretty). The handles have got a bit squished over the years as I think it belonged to Tracy's grandma - but it did a great job of roasting a guineafowl at the weekend - in an electric oven :D (said fowl was thoroughly enjoyed by T and the menagerie. I had a Quorn something-or-other)