Tuesday 27 November 2007

The Morning Routine

The alarm goes off. I get up.

Feed the cat,
Go downstairs, let the dogs out, clean up any surprises,
Make coffee,
Empty the dishwasher (or fill it),
Unload the washing machine and reload,
Fold up washing,
Feed the dogs,
Pill the dogs,
Put any recyling in the bins,
Check email, bloglines & Flickr,
Refill the dog water bowls,
Shower & dress,
Poop scoop.

Brian gets up and gets dressed.

He says his is the greater accomplishment.

I think he has a point.


Nazila Merati said...

hmm. sounds like the same thing round here, but TH does deal with dogly duties at lunch.

Brian is no longer roaming lower torquay?

Katherine and Pippa said...

I'm with Brian, although I do check the emails.
