Wednesday 17 October 2007

I'm in the south atlantic....

Day 1 was a bit of a post-18-hour-flight-blur in which I was too tired to take any decent pics (except a few of Jackson) so let's skip to day 2.

What a fabulous morning.

Thanks to
a) the neighbour's cockerel who does not know when the dawn is
b) the time zone change
we were up at the crack of dawn (which was around 6AM)

Sticking my head outside my Dad's front door to watch the Basset doing his early morning garden visit I saw this in one direction:

and this in the other:

And took more fresh air in one breath than I usually get in the UK in a month..


Being as we were both up we opted for
a) a cup of coffee
b) a dawn walk at Surf Bay with the only Basset in the Falklands.

Is this not beautiful?

A two banded plover...

Jackson the Basset in his element...

We spent the rest of the morning running about doing chores then met up with Adam and Jenny for lunch at the Malvina:

(sorry Brian... it's an empty plate of calamari...)

Adam then took the afternoon off so we could go for a walk round Gypsy cove:
Turkey Vulture on the wing....

Seals in the Tussock:

(we also saw a couple of Jackass Penguins in the burrows, but I did not get any pics... yet)

Then we took Luca to the beach for a run:

Topped off with a roast leg of mutton at Adam and Jenny's for supper - a perfect day.

Up early tomorrow to catch the 10 seater island hopper to Fox Bay (the long way round!)... I won't be able to post until I'm back in Stanley... but will try to do daily entries for upload later.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic pictures, and a beautiful place - I'm glad you're enjoying yourself...

Lesley Rigby said...

The photo's are wonderful - I think you should put them on Google Earth.

Enjoy yourself!