Tuesday 30 October 2007

Last day down south

Yesterday was my last full day in the Falklands (oh waily waily). As usual first thing it was bright and sunny so we took Jackson for his morning constitutional to Surf Bay.

A morning walk needs a Basset, a ball, and a lot of kicking and chasing:

Refusal to kick the ball results in Basset protest:

After or walk we had a leisurely breakfast then went out to do some shopping, including a visit to the museum:

Curiously, the Darwin was the very first boat I ever travelled on, back in .... oh a very long time ago when we first went to England. It's not around any more.

Later I finally managed to get a picture of the elusive night heron. (well they are not actuall ELUSIVE, they practically live on my dad's doorstep, but I've just been lazy).

Then we took Jackson and Luca for another romp through the sand dunes, where Luca insisted on digging lots of holes while Jackson supervised:

They day was rounded off by a delicious (and fun) meal at the Malvina with Adam, Jenny, Dad, Jenny' brother Paicey and his wife Corrine. The upland goose pate was yummy... and the sea bass is to die for...

Finally - one magic moment. Instead of going straight home, we drove round the back of Sapper's hill. The sky was clear, there is NO light pollution, and there was no moon.

Oh the stars (sorry no camera!)


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