Sunday 2 September 2007

Megan Deerhound

This is Megan, the 16 year old (in two weeks) matriarch of our canine clan.

I love Megan, I love the way she wanders up looking for a fuss, thrusts her head into your lap, begs for neck and ear rubs, then groans appreciatively when you oblige. Then turns her head the other way so you can administer to the other ear.

It's very sweet.

I just wish she would not do it while I am on the loo.


General Jackson said...

I like my ears rubbed as well. Perhaps it is something I learned from Meg?

My dad shuts the loo door!! Could be your solution?

Anonymous said...

We share e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g with our dogs don't we.....!

Nazila Merati said...

Yuppers. I think it has everything to do with us monitoring ernest's input and output.

Kerrio said...

I do shut the door, but unless I lock it Megan opens it! It's the only time she ever opens a door and she's the only dog who does it.

Curiously if she opens the door and finds Brian in there - she looks very disappointed and leaves.

Em said...

Charley cat likes to kiss my toes and rub round my ankles while I'm on the loo. It's very off-putting!
Mollie just charges in, bounces, then runs off leaving the door wide open; unless I remember to shut it properly.

Could be worse. A cat my sister and I used to own specialised in jumping on ones shoulders and lap while one was on the loo. In the middle of the night or early morning. Onto bare skin where possible.


Anonymous said...

Megan is priceless!! BTW, my deerhounds all think it's time to visit when I'm on the loo too!!

Loved the Dogsblog. Especially the little poem about an old dog.


alexantha said...

congratulations to you and Megan on her upcoming 16th birthday! she looks terrific!
from Penny (the almost 11 year old deerhound)and Jean in Berkeley, California, usa

Anonymous said...

Very, very well done, keeping a Deerhound well and happy to such an advanced age. Can you let the rest of us know the secret, please? And what is Megan's registered name?


Kerrio said...

Hi Sid

We don't know her registered name - we got Megan from a rescue when she was 11. The lady who runs the rescue knows the people who had her from a pup(and knew Megan as a pup) and they gave us her birth date as 19/09/1991 (or was it the 15th?)

Anyway - she was an Anastasia Nobel bred Ardkinglas, probably one of the last left. If anyone knows anything about this - she does have a breeder's tattoo in one ear.

Why has she lived so long (if the dates are right (which we have no real reason to doubt - except she is so old!))? She's very small for a deerhound, a titchy 27 inches to the shoulder.

She also lives with a pack of other rescue dogs which seem to keep her interested in life. We had another oldie who made it to 18 (not a deerhound though).

Other than that - she's just stubborn and does not want to miss out on any sausages that might be going I guess.

Whatever happens now - she's won.

She's a star.

Kerrio said...

If anyone is interested - there are some more Meg pics here:

The one amazing thing about Meg, is that although she is riddled with lumps and bumps and cysts etc etc, she does not have an old dog's eyes.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I came here through a Google alert and wow, a nearly 16 year old deerhound is a treasure indeed. I was going to ask you about Megan, but I see you replied to Sid with some info. I run a Scottish deerhound discussion list. Would it be okay if I forwarded the info about her to my group? I know people would *love* to read about her!

Thank you, and pets to Megan the wonder deerhound!


Kerrio said...

Hi Ellen - Feel free :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! WE have our first deerhound, Maggie. She's six months old. May SHE live for 16 years!

Our wolfhound, Kyle, loved his ears rubbed, and growned appreciately every time.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Megan
from Sid and the Lyart Deerhounds in dreichest East lothian