Thursday 6 September 2007

Red Arrows

Well that was exciting. There I was minding my own business and eating my sushi...

And then I get a personal 10 minute Red Arrow display over the house.

We get a lot of low flying aircraft round here, so initially I ignored the sounds of military jets, then thought... hang on - that's a bit low so went out to the garden. For the next 5 minutes I stood there with my mouth open. On one flyby they were so low I could see the pilots.

DOH - rushed in to grab the pocket camera, cursing the fact that the canon is still on the repair shop and failed to get any decent photos.

But just to prove I'm not fibbing:

All four over the garden...

A single one breaking away with a vapour trail....

And just to prove it's our house... there's the roof.

KuBrin went "WOOF"

Brian will be soo jealous.


Anonymous said...

Never mind Brian! I am jealous!


L^2 said...

Wow, that's awesome!

BTW: Would you like to answer some questions? Tag... you're it! :-)

Em said...

Wow. I'm jealous too. We had a similar experience the other day with a biplane performing aerobatics over our house. I didn't have the presence of mind to run in and get a camera, I just stood there gawping. Not as exciting as the red arrows though..

TDF said...

BA$**xcDrd !!!!!

Mind you, "she's" right, we DO get a lot of military craft flying by - and we're not too near any airfields either.

I WAS at home about 2 years ago when one of these puppies flew by LOWWWWW

Katherine and Pippa said...

You were fast with the camera - as usual!


Headgirl said...

Great shots!
Hope you don't mind but I've tagged you!
This is not a doogy thing but part of World Literacy Day!

Best wishes