Saturday 29 September 2007

Surrendering to the inevitable....

1. Halo 3 and the XBOX-360 have arrived. It may be a month before I get to talk to the hubby type again.

2. We're getting old and stiff, the new matress has arrived and I'm in 7th heaven.

3. Canon is not likely to be back before I go away so I'm just going to bite the bullet and by a backup Canon EOS 400D. (yikes).

I've also planted out the autumn onion sets and garlic today, and gathered more fruit and veg from the garden.

I WAS going to bake a caraway seed cake but I found that I have
a) no caraway seeds
b) no butter.

Oh well.


Katherine and Pippa said...

1 I had to resort to Wiki or google or whatever.

2 We're older than you and we are still on the floor (must buy a bed.....)

3 Must buy another camera so we have one each.

The veg are satisfying. Perhaps we have parallel but not the same lives. Who knows?


Nazila Merati said...

sounds like you have everything under control!

As for the bed thing, I moved to the futon in my study around 5 am and guess who joined me?

All elbows that dog of mine.

I just did another batch of tomato sauce for the canner and bought another 20 lbs for 1 euro (just kidding, more like 8 dollars) for another few batches of salsa.

When do you leave exactly?


Em said...

Sorry, got as far as 'EOS' and started drooling. One day, I too shall have a digital SLR. But for now, I at least have a DiMage Z2 which feels like an SLR on a good day with the wind behind you. Oh, and a manual Pentax Spotmatic that I can't remember how to use... sigh...and it's so frustrating waiting for the film to develop and limiting yourself to 24 or 36 pics!

New mattress. Yes, we need one of those, too. T's back 'went' this morning after a day spent in the armchair with the laptop writing her thesis yesterday. A new mattress would definitely help. I think we'd have to remortgage the house to get a memory foam one like we want,though ...

None of our veg made it this year - too damp, not enough sun, too many slugs. The sweetcorn is a foot high!! Hey ho.