Monday 2 July 2007


I am be-lurgified, the work virus has got me coughing up my lungs. But hey - this too shall pass. It's a shame though because my youngest brother Sam is on a flyby visit and I had taken tuesday as holiday so we could goof off together before whipping him off to Brize for the flight home the Falklands. He's just finished his second year at UNI and is away for a placement in Stanley. Lucky soul. Anyway I'm not the best company, maybe I will feel better tomorrow, Sam is always good fun to be around.

Meanwhile, on the gardening front, sadly I've had to curb the enthusiasm of the romping nasturtiums, in the veggie patch they were smothering the courgettes, in the GH they were choking the aubergines.

Still, given their enthusiasm, it's only a minor setback.

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