Saturday 25 August 2007

As demanded by Ali

End of Day 1... the long weekend

So - having shifted 1/2 tonnes of scalpings, hired a compactor plate, filled the nasty holes in the drive and then topped off with a tonne of gravel... it looked like THIS: (I'd like to add in true form Brian wielded the "wacker" plate - (let's face it, it's a mechanical toy with a motor), while I singlehandly shifted the scalpings and gravel).

Infill to new path:

Storm damaged holes in the drive repaired

(only problem with this is that the gravel is a COMPLETELY different colour to the old stuff. Which means we need to order another 3 tonnes to spread over the rest of the drive.... oh poo).

Suitably embarressed by his lack of manly muscles, Brian proceeded to single-handedly (almost) mix the concrete and lay the slabs outside the GH and the first row in the utility area:

The new "utility" area... first row:

The new step outside my playroom:

OoooOOO we are *so* nearly there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do love it when you induge me (referring to the title of this blog entry). I am feeling most special!

Oh, and nice work with the gravel ;-)
