Friday 17 August 2007

Friday salad

When I can get my "aristocratic shit together" in the morning I make salad for work

Lettuce "Counter" picked the day before, toms 10 mins out of the greenhouse and cucumbers overflowing as usual.

Yeterday I picked our first lot of "real" plums, Brian was convinced there was not a single decent one on the tree... he's not a gardener.

Meanwhile last night I prepped the onions too small to use for cooking for the pickling jar. And this time I prepared my own vinegar mixture, because last years store bought variety was... a little... strong.. *wheeeze*.

At this time of year you can never have enough jars.

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Katherine and Pippa said...

Pickled onions.Mmmm.
Pickled anything to be honest.
Adrian pours vinegar on EVERYTHING.


Nazila Merati said...

Please discuss aristocratic shit...

Kerrio said...

ok - you NEEED to see a film called "Love at first bite"

The quote goes like this:

Commissare Woman: "Either you spend the rest of your life in an efficiency apartment with seven dissidents and one toilet, or you gather your aristocratic shit together and split."

Count Dracula: "Renfield. "

Renfield: "Yes, master. "

Count Dracula: "What is an efficiency apartment? "

Renfield: "I don't know, master. What's a toilet? "