Wednesday 15 August 2007

We've got greengages

A hugely enormous bumper crop the likes of which we have never heretofore seen before. Must be the weather.

I would rush out and take a picture of said greengages growing on the greengage tree (well what kind of tree WOULD you expect them to grow on?) but it's dark. And pissing down with rain. So I won't. So there.

Anyway - armed with more greengages than I knew what to do with and the power of the internet, I found out how to make jam. Well, sort of...


So we now have OODLES of greengage jam.
It's yummy.

All I need to do now is find gazillions of unsuspecting friends and relatives and not only accost them with cucumbers, but also press jars of jam on them.

And then find more jars.

Greengage anyone?